Wednesday, April 27, 2011


My goals at the beginning of the semester were to think outside the box vs. being too literal, to be more confident in my ideas as a designer, to explore different approaches to the design process, and figure out which style is best for me, and to become familiar with other designer’s work to expand on ideas, ways of thinking, and understanding. I feel like I have done well to think outside of the box, and to expand upon my ideas. I also feel as though I have found the design technique that works for me, which is to first go to my sketchbook and draw out my ideas as well as to jot down ideas that tie into my drawings. I have not become as familiar with other designer’s work as I had hoped I would at the beginning of the semester. Instead I have relied more on what is within me. I would like to take the opportunity over the summer to emerge myself in famous designer’s work, and some not so famous.
            I have learned a lot about myself this semester in the way I design, the way I work with others, and about allowing my design voice to shine through.  I found that in working individually my work was not as strong as when I had peers to enhance the projects. They were able to fill in the gaps where I was not as strong, and vice versa.  I do feel that working at a smaller scale (groups of 3 or 6) my design voice was stronger than at a larger scale. Once we moved into a group of 12 it became more difficult to maintain our individual design voices.  While we were able to incorporate our original 12 concept words, and make sure that each were represented in the over all design, when it came down the details it became more of a challenge for each of us to have a say so in what the designs would look like. This was no because we were not being vocal, but because each of us has such strong opinions we were not able to appease everyone, and therefore compromises were made.
            I would say even though writing has been a key component to our design process this semester from the very beginning, it was not until the end of this semester that I found it to be the most helpful. During the first few projects we concentrated on narrative writing, and to me that was not as useful as informative writing. To me writing is more imperative when it is time to refine my work, and not as much when originating ideas.  However, writing is useful at every stage, I just believe it comes in different forms for each of us. For me at the beginning stage I tend to write concept words, and ideas of how things can work together. I would like to say that narrative writing did allow me to focus on what it would be like to inhabit the space, and what the transition would be like from room-to-room. Without that writing component I did not put myself into the client’s shoes quite as much.
            The original strengths I listed in wi1 were that I am detail oriented, dedicated, inquisitive and enjoy exploring various avenues, that I have interest in several areas that can be combined into my designs, that I am adventurous and willing to take on new challenges, and that I also listed my photography skill set. I still believe that these are my strong suits. I would add finding inspiration to my list. After Patrick and Claire selected Blakeni and I to speak on inspiration a few weeks ago I realized how accurate they were in selecting us. Initially when I saw my name under that category I questioned their reasoning, I did not at that time I feel that it was accurate. However, after brainstorming and going through my design process, and how I come up with my idea I realized that it is definitely I skill set I possess, and something I show strength in. I can now also add computer programs such as illustrator and photoshop to my list of skills. After an intense semester I have had to embrace computer programs to further enhance and progress my designs. I have largely relied on these programs, and now feel more comfortable with using them, whereas before I was only familiar with hand drawn and acad drawings and renderings.

             The images below are from jenga 1.0, 4.0, and 7.0. The first image is one of my first boards, the second is from our second round as a group of 3, and the third is my individual board from the last project. You can see the progression from my first board, to having it be a group collaboration, to taking what I have learned from my peers and applying it. I recognize that we are always learning, always evolving, and we can always grow when encouraged by our peers. I feel this semester has been a huge success in shaping us as designers, and allowed us to learn from our peers and strengthen our work that much more. For the first time I feel we truly recognize in ourselves what we both possess and lack, and whom we can go to, to fill in the gaps.

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