Sunday, February 28, 2010


5 Line Drawing

This was a drawing we had to do based on the chapter "Symphony" from Daniel H. Pink's book "A Whole New Mind." We had to combine both the left and right side of the brain. By being instructed to draw a classmate with only 5 lines we are forced to use our creative side (the right), and the systematic side (the left) in congruency to make one image.


Our project was to design a gateway into the 21st century from a time period we were taught in our History and Theory of Interiors course. Our group has the 18th century.


We were instructed to make two moments of light using only cardboard, and up to two other materials. My group decided to create a helix with plastic bottles found on campus and other various places.

With mine in particular I decided to play with the distance the bottles came out from the cardboard, and also have the bottom and tops of the bottoms. For my second moment of light I punched holes in a flower-like formation so that I would tie into my neighbor's composition. 

1st Ideation: 30 minute challenge from Vanessa.

Ideas for second moment of light.

Ideas for second moment of light.

Final product.

View from outside.